
wagely Hadirkan Layanan EWA ke Puluhan Ribu Karyawan di Sektor Energi

Wagely, perusahaan fintech yang menawarkan layanan Earned Wage Access (EWA) di Indonesia, mengumumkan kerjasama dengan beberapa perusahaan terkemuka di sektor energi, yaitu Kencana Energy, Medco Energy, Adaro Energy, dan Titan, untuk menyediakan layanan EWA bagi para karyawan perusahaan tersebut. Layanan EWA dari wagely ini memungkinkan karyawan untuk mencairkan gaji secara proporsional dari waktu bekerja yang telah dijalankan tanpa perlu menunggu tanggal pencairan gaji yang telah ditetapkan perusahaan. 

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3 steps for employers to build employee financial health after COVID-19

Employers all around the world are facing the far-reaching consequences of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic – perhaps one of the most profound being the impact on workers’ and their well-being. Even before the pandemic, millions of lower- and middle-income workers in Indonesia struggled with emergency savings to cover for unexpected expenses and basic needs. These challenges have only been exhilarated by potential loss of income and higher employee stress driving employees to focus more on their financial issues instead of their jobs.

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The top source of stress in Indonesia is money

Most people believe that overall well-being can only be achieved through good nutrition, well-balanced diet and exercise. They are wrong. According to the Health Living Index study by AIA, money is the top source of stress factor in Indonesia. Indonesian household finances cause them more stress than work, relationships, or even their physical health.

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How giving employees early access to earned wages is good for your business

In Indonesia, 75% of the lower and middle income workers live paycheck to paycheck — every single month. With less than Rp 500.000 in savings, the majority of households are just one missed paycheck away from falling into a vicious cycle of debt as unexpected expenses force them to turn to payday loans, short term credit or overdraft.

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